Friday, June 24, 2022

Easy come easy go...

Another very lay-low week for me, I have this hip issue still and it is only a wee bit better but I have a plan! It's called Hip Flexor Tendinitis, so you can google it up...if you wish. I actually did this while trying to hook up my trailer when it was loaded with the limbs of the Ice Storm we had back in February. I planted my feet into the ground and Pulled....NOT smart.  Trailer did not move, my bones, tendon, and muscles did. 


Another thing I did wrong was try to get back at it too fast...I had a relapse...I was stretching, and doing too much walking and pushing myself, because Im impatient. BUT what I was not doing was listening to what my body was saying.  So I am limiting my daily activity...using RICE --Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.  Well I can't compress my hip but this flexor tendon goes all the way to the  knee so I compress that when walking, and I can elevate my hip when reclined by using a pillow...AND no more stretching till it heals. 

How could I possibly think I could budge that heavy trailer, (maybe 10 yrs ago, yes) Im currently having to use not one, but two canes, in order to walk without searing pain,  and that is part of my plan to stop denying I don't need some the cane! At least till this thing heals..Meanwhile I have watched most of the hearings, or listened to them in the background while I worked on some internet projects....I for one am not surprised as I stayed on top of the news in real time....But I will say if heads don't roll we MUST Demand Justice!! 

Tulip Poplar Tree 

The weather was up and down 100's then 80's and so I did go out on one day...Didn't see a lot but I will share what I found..
On that day the community was having a kayaking event...and these people enjoyed some time on the water...

Very Colorful...

And more color in the Painted Buntings, 

They were busy feeding on the tall grasses, the young are out the nest and out in the world now,,,

The Bee Balm filled the air with that wonder aroma and the bees were so busy on it who can blame them?

This Eastern Bluebird really showed off his wings and tail in this shot while grabbing a bug from the ground...

White against blue as a Great Egret flew over...

Some dragonfly were out and I was happy they sat still for a while...

Back at the homestead here is Mask I don't think she has birthed yet she is getting bigger she may have twins! 

She was watching some friends near the fence line, one of these does has her fawn already but I could not get a clear shot of him I could not tell if this doe below is Tulip...could be.

Got come cukes coming on in my Fort Knox Garden...

Unfortunately the deer attacked my plants and they took a nearly all of the ones I shared last week that were not under lockdown got hit pretty hard 
Good thing it will grow back. 



What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Every day is a new Challenge.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Hot Week!

This is one of those weeks where the heat kept me I have only a little to share in my post...
This Doe has been helping herself to my she ate down the Red Sedum don't know if it can regrow in time for unfortunate cause pollinators love it..I tried putting some unused wire planters over it to stop her next attack!! 

Fortunately she didn't eat the Phlox, the Susans' or the Zinnia...(yet)

And she doesnt seem to bother this old soap wort 

Or the Jalapeno peppers, but she has eaten the leaves off the cowhorn peppers! 

There is one Butternut Squash already on the vine, I will try to protect it by wrapping some mesh fabric around it...once the bloom falls off..

And I have my Zucchini and cucumber under wire for protection!  They have lots of bloom on...

The Big Hump Backed Whale Hosta she doesn't normally bother but the squirrels will rip the leaves up and bring into their nest If I don't keep them in check!

I think she has either just given birth or she is about to...

Her face is so dark...So Im gonna call her Mask! She has one small notch on her (r) ear but I have a deer named Nacho in Colorado so that name is taken! 

She is precious but I wish she would stay in the field...she attacks the yard just at lazy dogs are no help...they are always stretched out in the AC since its been over 100 all week!!

This is Nacho from 2017, in CO He is a mule deer. 

Eastern Kingbird on a clear blue sky day from last week...todays post was late, we lost our power yesterday when a strong storm hit, and so I had to finish getting it up this morning.  More and more severe weather wreaks havoc on mankind--are we prepared? I leave you with that burning question. Ciao. 

Every day is a new Adventure.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Lazy Week...

This has been one of those weeks where nothing went according to plan that happens sometimes...

no....not again with the R'coon troubles!

These female Ruby Throated Hummers are not bothered by the shovel that slipped on the wall and ended up right at their feeder...they are so brave and fearless...the squirrels chewed all the perches and some of the flowers off my new feeder, it's in pretty rough shape!

Ive been in misery for a couple months with my hip and finally am getting some help from a is really out of whack and hopefully with a couple treatments it will be as good as new, or good as OLD can be. 

 a couple of shots I took of the Pileated Woodpecker he was on the dead dogwood tree in the front yard...I don't want to cut the tree down cause it's always a great landing spot for birds and it's full of insect activity so that means protein for them too. 

Summer haze

I thought this was an interesting look at a Yellow Throated Warbler...

Red Winged Blackbirds are so fun to listen to and watch, especially the way they flash those red shoulders! 

Pitcher plants are fully grown and ready to go to work trapping the unwary insect...

This Blue Jay was so quiet and still 

While this Grey Catbird jumped up and sang a song for me...

We have thunder, sure hope we get some rain.  Our chances are 50%. Its been a very dry April and May!  The south has to have rains or the lush green disappears...

Anhinga at Bramblewood

The Lazy weather has arrived where it's hitting the 90's school is out, and the fish are jumping and the skeeters are biting and the ticks are begging to catch a ride. Two weeks till summer. 

Every day is a new Adventure.

Friday, June 3, 2022


Feels like August around here!  Already the tropics are misbehaving...
 not a  lot to write home about! ...A stop at Goodale SP offered me a look at this dad with two of his new arrivals out learning the ropes...

Eastern Bluebird---Can't think of anything cuter to see!

GIMMMeeee a worm. 

Also a young gator was out...He was about 2 ft so maybe he is 2 yrs old?

 the lily pad is not quite big enough...why do GATORS Always look mad?

And a young Mud Turtle was crossing the trail...

More Babies at the Bramblewood Ponds...

On the Homefront 

The Carolina Wrens fledged their second brood, 3 more wrens for our is one of the babes clinging to the screen porch wire trying to figure out where to go...with his little nub of a tail...

And this doe, was hiding behind a tree in the field beyond my front door,  but I think she either just gave birth or is about too.  She has milk. I wish she would drop her fawn in the field how cool it would be to see that...I saw one crossing the road!! He was so small I thought it was a cat...unfortunately I had no camera with me...

my veggie "pots garden" is doing fair...too early still for any squash I have bloom tho, my garden plants are like fort knox to keep out Squirrel! Im continuing to get a handful of sugar snap peas and green beans daily and the asparagus seems to be all but done, and the Genovese Sweet Basil is doing good I had to move it into the screen porch to keep grasshopper off it, ..I just pluck off what I need..


Hope all is fine on your homesteads!

Happy Platinum Jubilee to  Queen Elizabeth!

Every day is a new Adventure.