Friday, August 31, 2012

Morning Guests

Two does brought their fawns down the road and stopped to grab a couple of ripe persimmons by the edge of the driveway...Great way to start the day!


  1. How precious! I'll have to come back and view the whole video when I'm in a better internet area. The first part was really cute, though. They didn't seem at all spooked by you.

  2. Hi Sondra... Aw.. that is a awesome sight to start that day for sure! Doesn't that make you feel honored : }}
    The doe's,and there fawns are at the brazen stage here too, coming out to feed in the darn cute...thanks for sharing this moment!!

  3. What a treat in the morning! This vid makes me envy you!

  4. A sight like that would set me up for the week!

  5. It really is a perfect way to begin the day! Thank you for sharing. (And persimmons -- I don't know what they look like even).


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