Friday, November 12, 2021

Last but not least...

So my last post from the coast,  I enjoy seeing the sky so big when Im here...I live under a forest so Its nice to be out in the open for a while...

We had 2 beautiful sunny days, and one really cold cloudy day and one sort of had some wind and whispy clouds...

Some late blooming fall flowers in the sand...

This short trail took us out to another view's located near the Castle....

More Clapper Rail...

Interesting plant...I think its a Beach Spider Lily near the end of it's bloom..

A Gulf Fritillary...

A couple of Ring Billed Gulls hunker down from the wind...various age stages, the one in back is a first winter, the one in front is second Winter...

Along one of  the boardwalks we found newly arrived White Throated Sparrows...Love their song...

And we had a lot of Blue Jay hanging out 

And a Brown Thrasher

And the first Song Sparrow of the fall for me, 

On my last day I stopped to see the Atalaya Castle, its also on the Park Grounds It was built by the Huntington's in the 1930's, the Castle and 2,500 acres of land were donated to the state to become a state park in the1960's.

It is now a National Historic Landmark, I had the dogs and it was an extra entry fee so I didn't go in but it's an interesting building...

It looks sort of gloomy on the outside, 

My last walk on the boardwalk before heading for  home.....

These Snowy Egrets were all huddled down out of the wind....

And I know you can't really see it, but right in the middle of this grassy shot below is A NEW life bird, I got a look at him but then he darted to the other side of the boardwalk and buried down in the grass, so this is all I could get....The SALTMARSH SPARROW.  

Do you see it at all?

AND I always love when a Yellow Lab drives the RV. 

Super fun lots of cool birds landscapes family and we met some nice people to boot!

I had the first fire of the fall in the fireplace it's time to put Winter rules in play.  

Every day is a new Adventure.


  1. Hello,
    Super cool bird indeed. Love the Clapper Rail, Egrets all your other sightings. Congrats on your Saltmarsh Sparrow. The view of the boardwalk looks beautiful, my kind of place. I love the yellow lab too. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hi Eileen, I love the way dogs know the pilots seat is the place to be...That boardwalk gives super access to this Salt Marsh..

  2. A great spot for the Saltmarsh Sparrow. We only have two species of sparrow, the house and tree sparrow. There used to be an incorrectly named hedge sparrow but that is really a dunnock.

    Great shot of the lab. All the best.

    1. HI Dave, thanks so much, I love sparrows, they are always interesting to watch. Some other folks got some really good shots of this bird, its really a lovely looking little guy.

  3. Once again great photos of your trip. I did spy the little sparrow in the weeds great shot. That camera takes some really nice photos but of course its your eye that catches the things it photographs.

    1. Hi Jo, the sparrow moved so fast he gave me one really good look then darted into that heavy cover I was lucky to even get that shot...I hope you have a great weekend.

  4. I'm most fascinated by the clapper rail -- don't think I've ever seen one. At least to ID it. My birding has been so sparse for so long I am not sure I will even remember how to do it. This trip of yours was just wonderful, what a great place. So different from where you live, amazing it isn't miles and miles away.

    1. Hi Sallie, it is nice having the coast so close except when it's hurricane I wish is wasnt such a mecca the whole world discovered it. I have noticed a decline in my ID abilities since I used to do a lot of birding by ear, each season now I have to refresh my memory of what Im hearing. The Rails were so right out there normally they hide in the grass!

  5. A lovely post full of very nice photographs.
    Well done on the Saltmarsh Sparrow.
    I like the one with the boardwalk and seeing the dog drive an RV made me smile :)

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan thank you, the boardwalk is a really great asset to this park it gives everyone the chance to view the wildlife, even if you are in a wheel chair. They recently rebuilt half of it that was damaged in a flood a couple years ago.

  6. I've just caught up on your trip posts, lovely that you got to spend time with family in such a beautiful place. I love to see all the wading birds. I have to say i'm not sure I can see the Sparrow though!

    1. Hi Pam, this was really the only get away I had this year where I was away for a while so very much enjoyed it...yep that little sparrow was so quick he perched up on a stem on the opposite side of the boardwalk then when I was zooming in my camera he jumped so fast to the other side and down into that grass...he is just an orangey blur in the middle of the photo. Have a great weekend.


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