Yesterday I had to purchase a new cell phone, Keith calls it a mobile I like that better, it sounds more like what it is....and now I own this model of mobile. (photo from Bing) Nope I didnt get one of those touchy touch screens and I have to share this story...recall a few weeks back when I told you my sister and I came across a lost angler while we were hiking in the Chattahoochee National Forest? Well we found him hopelessly separated from his friends and scared to death....we helped him find his vehicle in the end but the funny thing was this:
I HAVE a very old Cell mobile phone..a motorola, flip top... it does nothing except make and receive calls and it will text. Well the battery got to the point it will not hold a charge and I was told they dont make mobile phone batteries, just mobile phones, SO A new phone would have to be purchased...I was able to find what i imagine is the last flip top available now...although it has a lot more Bells n whistles like it has a camera....GREAT now i can pocket dial and take photos at the same time......I dont like the new flat screen touchy things...dont like the size of em, they're too sleek, slim and awkward! I pick one up and immediately it slides right out my hand while I juggle it and cause it go flying across the clumsy fingers need some Texture to hang onto..But I see everyone who is a mobile geek using these Star Trek reminiscent devices so I have a clue how to use it, Ive seem the owners--- touch them, dragging imagery across the screen, and poking at it with the tips of their fingers.
....but back to the lost hiker...well previous to us finding this poor guy in the woods wandering around lost, my sis and I made the drive up from her home about an hr away. As we drove she told me she didnt have my mobile number saved in her she handed it to me and asked me to put my mobile number in her phone and save it...OKAY..
so I start touching the screen, and nothing happened...I touched, slid, swooped, and poked my finger on the little icons on the screen and she starts to laugh LOUDLY...
"OH Its not a touch screen its the older model of Blackberry, you have to use the keypad." OHHHH ok I can do that its more like mine...just no flip top its smooth and brightly lit but has actual buttons to push SO eventually i get my number in there..and fumble it back to her drop it on the floor of the car, retrieve it and finally its done, now in the old days I could have written my number on a piece of paper in about 3 seconds flat.....not the probably 15 minutes it took me to insert my number into her BLackBerry..
WHEW... back to the lost angler turned hiker, the first thing he wanted to know is do we have our Cell mobile phones on us, ....uhhhhhh NO, why bother no reception up there in the woods...and he had left his in the truck, why bother to lug it to the Chattagoo River when he trekked down there with his fishing gear???
...when we finally hiked back to our car he wanted to try the mobile to see if he could call his buddies and have them tell him where the trucks were parked..but one BIG PROBLEM, he said,
"OH I have an iPHone, dont know how to use this Blackberry..LOL".... he is used to the touch screen....SO when I reached to get it back, fumbled it to the floor and finally retrieved it and handed it to my sister who knows how to operate it and while SHE drove on the curvey mtn road she would dial the number on the Cell mobile phone for him!! OMG, can we say PULL OVER?
... she asked for the buddies phone number...and GUESS what -----he didnt know it!! HE realized nowadays no one memorizes phone numbers we have them programmed in our mobiles and cordless home phones...SO he didnt know the number. The only number he could recall was his step mom's phone numbers back in Georgia, (we are in SC) so my sister dialed and eventually as we drove to the top of the mtn he got some reception bars on the phone and the call went thru..
WELL since the step mom didnt recognize the name or number on the caller ID of her phone she didnt Answer the phone!! ( she probably had a T-Mobile or Sprint
...he had hopes that she had his friends number in her phone and he could get the number via her, call the friend, who could hopefully tell him which road their trucks were parked on...SO she didnt answer and he also tried step mom at her home phone and no answer there...
Meanwhile we gave up the whole idea of calling and just stated looking at road turn offs that may lead down to the river and thats how we eventually hit the right gravel road and found his truck and his friends trucks too...YEAH he was back...he got his mobile out, tried to call his friend to tell him he had been lost in the woods for the past 2 hrs and he was NOT down on the river bank where they possibly thought he was, but NO service on the phone..SO he said he would wait by the trucks,,,I suggested he blow the truck horn to get their attention.
WE Left...back at home an hr after our arrival my sister got a call on her mobile phone...IT was the step mom back in GA....when she got home and saw the same strange number show up on her caller ID that had tried to call her Mobile Phone..she got worried and called back to see who and what was going on...we told her that her step son had been lost in the woods and we had found him and let him try to call for his friends number, with my sisters phone, but got no anwer...She said she did see the call come in but chose not to answer!!
SO It is in the digital age, we are so well connected BUT NOT...we all had phones, and each was a different technology that the others couldnt use and were unfamiliar with... none of the phones had service when we needed it and when finally the very technology that no one wants to be without got service for the call to go through--- the person who we called and could have assisted with help used the very same technology---- to ignore the call..SO with the technology, and money for buying the motorola, the blackberry, the iphone and the monthly bills associated with the phones,,,,,,THEY... were not worth Jack when we really needed them to work... and we all know Jack!!
SO thats the story and now I have a new phone its an LG-its very sleek and Ive dropped it already a couple of times, and I've programmed in the numbers of all my family and friends and I just hope when the time comes that I actually NEED the dang thing it will WORK and hopefully by then I will have learned how to use it...
Over the weekend my same sister came down to visit me..we went antiquing and had lunch...a we browsed the shelves and stalls of old antiquated stuff I overheard a youngster ask her grandmother 'what is that" and the grandmother replied, "thats a rotary phone." the grand daugher asked "does it text?" And all Grandmother did was laugh quite loud, "NOPE" she said you have to put your finger in those little holes and dail this
WOW we've come a long way wonder whats next?
oh gotta go my phone is yeah its on Speaker PHONE ~~~~~yahoo!! It tells me the number calling, Let me see If Im gonna answer or NOT, OH NO WAY dont know who the heck that is...hope it wasnt YOU!! hahaha