Monday, January 6, 2020

Starting Over

I had big plans for a post but since my last post I've been knocked down by what I am guessing is the FLU.  I have been barely able to sit up for days...and although  am trying to focus it's impossible.  I hope at some point the fog will lift and my life will resume.  Until then I hope all of you are well...and starting your year off with a bang.  I am alone now as everyone is gone.  It's pretty devastating.   I have some chores to keep me busy as long as my stamina holds up and it will be a while before it does that.  I had Mom's phone turned off this week, that was like the final straw that broke the camel's back..and I spent an entire day crying.  Now I just have to encourage myself to get up and face each of these days the ones where I have no one around me and nothing seems real...pretty depressing.  I tried to go into the yard and look up at birds and that made me feel faint.  

There is no food in the house so today I must go into a store and be around cheerful normal people that is going to be very hard, because I want to scream...I don't know if I can even do that but I will try..I guess Im starting over from the ground up...reality is only just now sinking in.

Every day is a new Adventure.


  1. Hello, I am sorry you are not feeling well. It seems like everyone I know has had some kind of flu bug, it must be going around. I hope you find comfort and peace with your memories. I wish I lived close by I could go out birding with you. Take good care of yourself!

    1. HI Eileen....each day I am trying to get stronger, its a challenge. I hope I can get out and enjoy birding soon, Thank you so much.

  2. It is hard to be alone and deal with both physical and emotional grief, with no one to provide little human kindnesses like make a cup of tea, for example. I wish you well, Sondra. That's all I can do.

    1. How true, I'ts amazing how my life was so entwined in the lives of others, it's going to take some getting used to.

  3. Sure hope you get to feeling better, this is a very bad flu season and I better get my shot tomorrow. Hope you made it to store and picked up some soup fixing or at least some soup and emergenc C I believe it's called.

    1. Thank you Jo, I did make it to the store, boy that as hard, focusing is a real problem so far.

  4. Oh I do hope you're feeling well again soon, flu is so draining especially when you are dealing with grief too. Sending hugs your way.

    1. Thank you Pam, the flu is moving onto the final stages I think!

  5. I hope your ailments pass soon though I know the grief will never go away. I'm glad you have your dogs for company at least. There is much love for you in your community of blog followers! We know how strong you are and that the end of 2020 will be a far cry from how things are now.

    1. Thank you Jen, I do think I can overcome once I find my way thru the depression and all that comes with it, a bright spot will open up I do believe.

  6. David says it all Sondra, All the very best and I hope you start to feel better soon.

    1. Thank You Dave, I will find my way and all the support you guys give me helps a lot!

  7. Sending healing thoughts and my good wishes.
    Thinking of you …

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much Jan...I appreciate that so much.


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