I guess you all noticed that I changed my publish days to Friday Night instead of Sunday Morning,,,,mainly because email subscribers don't get their email notice till Sunday night meaning they read on Monday morning, so I think Monday morning is not the right time for my blog...a blog about my simple uneventful life is not Monday morning material. Busy people are up and about on Monday...my writing is more for slow down weekend reading. So I will see how it goes as I work on the post a little each day.
Amazing the campground at the Santee Coastal Reserve was FULL...it is a FCFS campground. What happened to the no more than 3 in a group thing? I would not want to be in a full campground right now. There is a visitor's center in this shot somewhere...behind these moss covered live oaks...
Anyway I headed to the Big Well Trail where I was around no one!
The water level was low I figured it would be the opposite with all the rain we had in Feb. The lower levels was perfect for the waders..
Little Blue Heron
White form Little Blue Heron
Tricolored Heron
Just off the trail a Downy Woodpecker stops to look at me..

I found all sorts of critters I could give my solo attention to...def more than 6 ft personal space given here.
SAW many gators of various sizes from babies to over 7 ft...
this one is about 2 ft in length
I ran into 3 people in total on the trails, and no one stopped, all said hello and kept walking as did I.
After lunch I moved the van to the Cape Trail parking area, and walked around the impounds I ended up hiking 5 miles in total, my feet were pretty tired...

Many Glossy Ibis stayed distant but I zoomed for this shot..their colors are so deep and rich.
Today it rained but I decided to go out and get some supplies in a neighboring town that has only 2 cases of the CV-19 not the 54 my town now has...I used alcohol to clean my hands when I removed my gloves upon exiting the store. Then I went to my favorite spot the Beaver Pond!

King Fishers were out in numbers on this rainy day...a dull sky didn't bring out those awesome blues of this bird...
And a combo of the Kingfisher and a Great Blue Heron.
This Tufted Titmouse may be feeding young already, while the White Eyed Vireo just got back in town!
A little farther down the road is Ashwood Lake, recently refilled after the dam there broke free in 2015. It's not officially open but I go and park roadside and see what birds are there...some Ring Neck Duck about 15 today, Pied Billed Grebe, and at least 3 American Coots, and some Canada Geese on the water, an Osprey overhead, and at least one Double Crested Cormorant diving below.
Up in the tree by the lake a Savannah Sparrow my FOY.
Had Tree Swallow, Northern Rough Winged Swallow, and Purple Martin flying over the lake catching bugs...lots of competition. I may go back there tomorrow I think I heard a LeConte's Sparrow! There is only one call that has that sound...If it's not raining.

Purple Martin
Tuesday: buckets of rain, thunder and the whole 9...
Wednesday: Went to a couple spots...saw this cool Osprey...
Wednesday: Went to a couple spots...saw this cool Osprey...
It's fun staying away from people...a good week.
Every day is a new Adventure.