Saturday, June 29, 2019

Stay Calm and Breath...

Summer is moving right along now it's nearly 4th of July...and it's hot.  Birds are hard to find, in fact I had only one new bird in my 5 mile in June.  I already reported that to you nothing since the Cedar Waxwing, (#112) did see more waxwings today.  I am still trying to bird as often as I'm able but the humidity is UP there now and by 10 am it's too hot to enjoy being out unless you're swimming! 

her suit did resemble his pattern....

We went swimming again and this Zebra Swallowtail fell in love with my sister's swimsuit!  He spent the entire day with her.  
Then somehow he fell into the water; we missed him then saw him flopping in the water!! We were able to rescue him and he flew up in a pine tree to recover...he is such a beautiful creature glad he was not injured in his swimming accident...

My growing containers are producing some goodies: today's haul...

Butternut squash

...a new addition to my Plate collection YUM!! Thanks Sis what a surprise. 

Bad news....2 of the clear cut areas (300 acres) have been poisoned by the owner it was  sprayed to kill off the new vegetation to clear the way for more pine trees to be was inevitable as the wealthy must continue to be wealthy, no matter the cost to the natural world.  I have no idea how this will affect the birds that are nesting there and were feeding their young from those patches. Birds such as: Yellow Breasted Chat, Summer Tanager, Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Eastern Kingbird, Prairie Warbler, Yellow Billed Cuckoo, and so many more...woodpeckers, wrens, chickadees, vireos, the list is endless...and yet does this land owner have any idea that any birds are there trying to survive? Birds and mammals that he is helping to destroy?  I saw a coyote running for his life out of one patch this morning... It's just like a run away train, that I have no power to stop.:o(

This beautiful Summer Tanager (Female) has young in one of these patches...

and this sweet fledged Blue Grosbeak...also lives there

Some fool ran over this beautiful Timber Rattler

damn why???

I have to try and stay positive as this type thing works negatively on my makes me despise all the people who live around here...

For people out there who care about and love birds, I spent a little time with a beautiful Black and White Warbler, he lives in one of these patches too....I put together this short vid of the time I shared with him a couple weeks ago and I wanted to share that with you!  (for best quality click on the title and go watch on youtube.)

Have a great week!

Every day is a new Adventure.


  1. It is insanity, plain and simple. I am surprised that these chemicals have not been banned. Remember this stuff when you vote. Great little video of the Black-and-white Warbler.

    1. I agree David, I was really upset as all the wonderful flowers and undergrowth will be killed..:o(

  2. Like David said they need to ban spraying this junk.
    Your pictures are beautiful and the little video of the black and white warbler if adorable.
    Have a great weekend

    1. Hi Jo, thank you that little black n white had big trouble with that huge worm he was trying to wrestle.

  3. Its very sad but not much gets in the way of the pursuit of profit. Here housing developers cover the hedges with netting very early in the year to stop birds nesting and this then allows them to legally cut down the hedges to clear the land. Its very sad and makes you despair for the future.

    1. That is the right word...despair, this is what I feel at the moment it is not my land, it is legal, and greed is the driving factor. The land is owned by a Physician who lives in the next county over he is quite wealthy and in need of nothing!

  4. Hello, what a shame about the clear cut and the spraying. Our country is going backwards in time with our environment. We should be making it better not worse. I am glad you were able to save the butterfly. Love the cute B&W warbler and the beautiful Summer Tanager. Stay cool and Happy birding. Have a great day and week ahead.

    1. Hi Eileen...I agree every report coming out of the news these days is how our EPA is now in favor of the big polluters. I can't wait to vote Trump and his thugs out of office!

  5. All about the money as always :( It's so depressing how blind people are to what's around them.

    On a brighter note the Swallowtail is beautiful, I remember seeing them when I was in Florida!

    1. Yes Im really over people using natural resources to get wealthy unless its winning the lottery Im just not into

  6. I cannot believe the things people do. It makes me sick. My little bubble just gets bigger and bigger.

    1. It really did make me sick now all the vegetation that was growing is brown and dying....I saw no birds today where as it was a thriving bird "village".

  7. It makes me sick seeing this. Why do we treat our environment like this? We can't eat money, for Pete's sake! A few days ago I heard a neighbor talking about spraying Round up on his weeds - how I hate this.
    I enjoy snakes from a safe distance, but that photo made me cry.
    Thank you for the beautiful bird video - I loved all the bird sounds on it.

    1. Thank you Carola! Thank you for visiting and commenting...and you are so right! I love snakes too and never try to kill one! They are very important to keeping the balance of nature.


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